Category Archives: Misc

Basically, anything that fits into the “I’m not really related to any categories” category.

This is embarrassing…

Ok.  So, I just signed up for a Twitter account the other day… finally.  I feel like such a noob.

Just to clear my tech credibility, I’ve known about Twitter for a long time now; I just haven’t had a need for my own Twitter account.  My friends are mostly on the Facebook wagon, and the only reason I now have a Twitter account is because I’m finding more and more conference and event notifications being posted on Twitter instead of their web site blogs / RSS feeds.  Oh well, it was about time.

However, this small activity gave me pause in my life…

Seriously, I’m starting to feel like I’ve passed my prime in terms of technology trends.  I don’t do the 300+ texts per month; I just now got on the Twitter bandwagon; My Facebook page is not littered with ever little app that I find (I’m selective like that); and I still read books on printed paper.

Maybe I’m just getting a little cynical in my “old age”.  After all, In my day, we didn’t have this obesity problem with kids playing video games all the time.  We enjoyed our 16-bit goodness and savored in the knowledge that we could beat our games in just a few hours and then have the rest of the day to go outside.

Recent Booklist

Some of my colleagues have done this in the past, so I figure I’ll share as well.  Here are some technical books that I have read over the past few months (or am currently reading):

  • Now, Discover your Strengths – I actually read this early in 2008, but I find myself coming back to it frequently for reference.
  • Behind Closed Doors (Pragmatic Series) – This is the book I’m currently reading.  So far, it’s… interesting.  The jury is still out on this one.
  • Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Series) – This was probably my favorite book of the Pragmatic Series.  Lots of insightful things in here.
  • Pragmatic Unit Testing with C# and NUnit (Pragmatic Series) – I read this after already being familiar with unit testing.  It was a good refresher and gave me several little nuggets of new information and tips.  I highly recommend this for both the novice and seasoned developer.

A co-worker of mine is a big fan of the Pragmatic Series and has been kind enough to let me mooch borrow some of his books.

And, because sometimes I get tired of reading technical books (gasp!), here are some recent books that have kept me from losing my mind in code samples:

  • Angels and Demons – I wanted to read this before seeing the movie, since I’ve heard they are taking several liberties with the movie adaptation.
  • Star Wars: New Jedi Order – I’m not ashamed to admit I’m a Star Wars fan, though I guarantee you won’t find me at any conventions in a stormtrooper outfit anytime soon.

Still Here…

It’s been a little over three months since I posted on here.  Yikes!  It’s not for lack of things going on, or things to talk about; I just haven’t had the time to sit down and write anything of substance.  I’m going to try to change that.

My biggest difficulty lately has just been trying to put down my thoughts with enough content, but not to write just for the sake of writing.  I read others’ blogs, and some either write several pages worth of content; or write things I could care less about.  As a reader, this becomes a turn-off for me and I find myself frequenting their sites less and less.  (The same can be said for those that don’t post often… err… yea…)

So, with that in mind, I’m going to try to blog more frequently in the coming months; but I’m going to start with posts that are relatively brief , but substantive – I don’t want to blog for the sake of blogging.  It’ll be a balancing act.  Blog more, but blog well.  We’ll see how this goes…

My Workstation…

A co-worker shared this with me. A little work humor to kick off the Holiday weekend.

“A train station is where a train stops. A bus station is where the bus stops. I sit at a workstation…”

… the business folks expecially like this one! = P

Hello (Hi) Atus!… And Cyclones Rock!

Yikes! It has been a long time since I’ve posted anything on the blog here. I apologize, but I suppose I have been quite busy in the home improvement and work-related areas of life lately.

I have a few posts sitting in my queue that I have started to write, but haven’t had the time to finish and polish up. I hope to start pushing those out shortly.

And, I must give a shout out to my team in the Cardinal and Gold for their September 15th win, despite all the fans who doubted it could be done (myself included). While the rest of the season looks pretty tough, here’s to hoping for a few more good games.

By the way, those throwback uniforms were gorgeous.