Why Don’t People Take Sick Days?

Last night, I was feeling a cold coming on. I felt a little sweaty and I kept blowing my nose. But I convinced myself that, if I got enough sleep and kept popping the Vitamin C, I’d be fine.

This morning, I got up and was totally congested. After a few minutes of standing upright and blowing my nose, the congestion faded. I felt tired and run-down, but I convinced myself that it was just from waking up. I popped some cold medicine (the non-drowsy stuff) to take care of the symptoms and went into work.

Ninety minutes later, I decided to go home, rest and recover. I felt drowsy from the non-drowsy medicine; I was tired and run-down, and kept blowing my nose; and I could not focus on any work. Why didn’t I listen to my body when it told me to stay home and rest?? Why did I feel like I needed to come into work today?

I felt it was ironic that I had read this Scrum cartoon the night before…

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